Category: Software


Beta: Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 launched

The Ubuntu developers have just released Hardy Heron (Ubuntu 8.04) in beta. Since the last release (7.10), Hardy Heron sports now: Xorg 7.3 with an emphasis on better autoconfiguration Kernel 2.6.24 which includes many performance improvements and enhancements GNOME 2.22...


New Year resolution – back to basic

Vista Ultimate is driving me insane. I had it installed for more than 12 months and experience frequent issues with hibernation, network card stop working when on battery or wireless just stopping. Coincidently pretty much the same issues which made me...


Ditched it – for better or/and worse

I finally ditched Linux for good and have been running on Vista Ultimate for the last 6 months. No matter what you say, as free and versatile Linux might be (regardless of the flavour – tried Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora and...