Category: Gadgets


OS X: Smile – screenshot short-cuts

Taking screenshots in OS X (Leopard) is really cool (and easy) – if you know the relevant short-cut keys: Press Cmd + Shift + 3: Take a picture of the whole screen Press Cmd + Shift + 4: Take a...


MacBook Air: The missing short-cuts

Took me a bit of research, but the Leopard Expose short-cuts are available as follows (press the Shift-key to add a cool slow-motion effect to it): Fn + F8 : show spaces Fn + F9 : show all windows Fn...


Ultimate Control: Logitech Harmony 895

My home-entertainment system consisting of a 46″ 100Hz Sony Bravia, a Yamaha YSP-4000 soundbar, a Yamaha YSP-150 subwoofer, a PS3, a Nintendo Wii and PVR made me a 4-remote collector. A simple task such as watching a BlueRay movie turned...


OS X: Put your apps on a diet

Although I have a solid 15 years of Windows-knowledge under my belt, I regularly find something new when working on the Macintosh. One cool thing (for the Windows-folk and registry hackers) is how OS X manages applications. First, you do...


Little Snitch

While my MacBook Air has a built-in firewall and protects me from all the Internet-nastiness out there, I am still relive the Windows days of Trojans and Spyware. So to put my mind at ease, I installed Little Snitch: Little...


OmniGraffle – strange name, cool Visio

Want to open and edit Visio’s in OS X? Best (and probably only) choice is OmniGraffle: I worked with OmniGraffle for a number of hours and impressed with it’s flowcharting capabilities. Visio looks now like the poor kid. I am...


Microsoft Project Plans on OS X

One week has gone past and I am fully migrated to my MacBook Air running Leopard. Over the weekend I found the final deathblow for Windows. I can now open Microsoft Visio’s as well as Microsoft Project files. I stumbled...


Optimize Entourage for better performance

Just a quick guideline to get your Entourage 2008 configured with a fully functional out-of-office assistant, global address book and proper synchronisation on the LAN and while connecting remotely – beautiful: MS Exchange admins DO NOT like OS X! They...


Garmin supports Mac OS X

During my migration from the dark side, I had to overcome a few challenges to make all my gadgets and software work. I was fascinated to find, that Garmin supports Mac OSX completely and they even have a brilliant blog...