Category: On the web


Where is that VT-remote? KO ERHE it is…

I was checking out Logitech’s website and their homepage gave me the “there-is-something-odd” feeling: Probably makes sense that everything is backwards – after all seems to be a Microsoft remote – judging from that back-to-front Windows logo 😀


The Friday Picture: Sometimes

The Friday Picture will provide you with inspirational and (de)motiviational guidance to make the approaching weekend so much more appealing:


The Friday Picture: Unique

The Friday Picture will provide you with inspirational and (de)motiviational guidance to make the approaching weekend so much more appealing:


The Friday Picture: Giant Ass Saw

The Friday Picture will provide you with inspirational and (de)motiviational guidance to make the approaching weekend so much more appealing:


Google Analytics

We all know that Google is really cool and their labs produces some exicting products. I stumbled across Google Analytics: You simply add a Javascript tag and Google will start tracking your website’s traffic and visitor behaviour. Not sure how...


The Friday Picture: The Army

The Friday Picture will provide you with inspirational and (de)motiviational guidance to make the approaching weekend so much more appealing:


Steers launches the “lefty” burger

Amidst the petrol price hikes, load-shedding and generally no service across the industry, I found it bizarre, that Steers launches the lefty burger: Steers today announced the launch of its latest salvo in the battle of the Burger Wars –...


Sealedgame Heaven – WTF?

When you think you have seen it all, go and visit What the fuck? I understand the concept of collecting shrink-wrapped comics or stamps or coins – but that there are actually people out there who collect shrink-wrapped games....


Iraq explained

If you still have not figured out why the oil-price steadily increases and the large oil-companies still manage to make tens of billion of $$$ profit: