Category: MacBook / OS X

iTerm2 with Powerlevel10k 0

Improved Terminal Experience with Oh My Zsh, iTerm2, PowerLevel10K

I have optimised my iTerm setup with a number of plugins to increase my productivity – Using powerlevel10k on iTerm2 with OhMyZsh with plugins. If you want to copy my config, checkout my dotfiles on Github – Installing Homebrew The most popular package manager...


Razer Synapse not working on OS X Yosemite 10.10

Quite a simple solution, the latest kernel extensions are not signed and the following command will enable unsigned kernel extensions (hopefully Razer will update Synapse to be fully compatible soon): sudo nvram boot-args=”kext-dev-mode=1″ Remember to reboot after issuing the above...


Change OS X update frequency

Mountain Lion checks for updates every 7 days – this is way too long for me and a quick fix is this: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ ScheduleFrequency 1

OS X Mountain Lion breaks VMWare 4

OS X Mountain Lion breaks everything

Perhaps a bit dramatic on the “breaking”-part – OS X Mountain Lion has some really awesome features, but only lasted 2 days on my laptop. I love being on the bleeding edge of technology, and boy did I bleed this...

Gelaskin for MacBook Pro 1

Gelaskin your MacBook Pro

Gelaskins have been scarce in South Africa for several months and even during my recent trip to New York, I was not able to find any. We eventually decided to order several skins from the Canadian based company. The gallery of...