Tagged: heronbridge


Potholes – Bring ‘n Tar

This will be a new initiative I am trying to kick off “Bring ‘n Tar”. The muncipalities, traffic departments, road agencies are all not capable of using our tax money in fixing and maintaining our roads, and when initiative is...


Mommy’s shoes – world’s biggest parasite

Demoniac scientists were working on a weapon to use against the Christians. This research led them to create the most dangerous and common parasite on the face of the Earth: the shoe. Hats off to mommy Mia N. at Heronbridge...


The R114 roadsafety/upgrade petition

I travel the R114 (commonly known as the Lion Park Road between Lion Park and R511) frequently to drop my son off at school (Heronbridge College) and on the way to work. The road is covered in potholes with taxis...