Tagged: PayPal

Contact me

I am contactable via various methods: For code related questions, post it to my Github repo: https://github.com/magicdude4eva For security related or sensitive communication, look me up on Keybase.io, send me a PGP encrypted email or use Threema: YA3K533T For anything else,...


bidorbuy launches PayPal payment integration

It has only been 2 weeks after the official PayPal launch and we have soft-launched the PayPal payment integration on Tuesday, 6th April 2010. As far as I can tell, bidorbuy is the only South African online auction place having...


Today’s FNB PayPal launch

Today was the official launch of PayPal in South Africa. The launch event was at Turbine Hall in Newtown. I have not been in the Joburg CBD in ages and found that the city (at least in daylight) looks a...


Paypal: How to sell your electronic goods

You will have noticed on my website a number of downloadable scripts accompanying articles. Since I spent a significant amount of time working on those scripts and this blog is certainly not contributing to my income, I felt it was...


NAS: Netgear ADSL statistics

In a previous post I explained the significance of SNR and attenuation for ADSL lines. I have spent now a significant amount of time to write scripts to retrieve the ADSL-statistics for my Netgear DG834v4 ADSL router. The script will...