Category: In real life

Who Needs an iPhone 4s 0

Who needs an iPhone 4s?

You gotta love New York for it’s shopping and free Wifi. Observed a “hectic” Skype video-conference session outside Apple’s flagship store on 5th avenue in September 2011:


Sony Ericsson marketing fail

Hey everybody —- get my presents ready, coz it is my b-day: Well, not really – the down-side of making your date of birth not mandatory and then defaulting it to 1/1 – guess a lot of other people will...


Global warming – explained for Donald Trump

Pollution, erratic weather-behavior, short summers in South Africa and cold winters – all too difficult to understand – even for Donald Trump or Jacob Zuma. Not anymore with the visual guide below: In March 2016, the US faced the hottest...


Big Buck Bunny premiere

I stumbled across Big Buck Bunny – a 10 minute video rendered completely on Linux Blender. Big Buck Bunny is a comedy about a well-tempered rabbit “Big Buck”, who finds his day spoiled by the rude actions of the forest...