Category: In real life


Reflecting on the vacation

The vacation was great. In the last two weeks we travelled 3500 miles by sea and almost 20,000 miles by air. Flying with an airline such as Delta simply sucks (SAA is worse) and you naturally lower your expectations to...


Postnet Northgate – How not to provide service

I am normally very patient and have accepted that experiencing customer service in South Africa is as scarse as finding a virgin at a brothel. Postnet Northgate falls in the no-service category. Their core-business should be just delivering mail –...


Tracker – you suck! Still!

Tracker Network is famous on for ripping people off and especially debiting peoples bank-accounts without authorisation. In my case I asked for a quote, provided them with all my details and within the hour cancelled the contractor since a...


The smart windshield

Came across the following the other day and I am treading the day this is going to run in my car: The picture above is an illustration of a Hitachi smart windshield displaying all the “necessary” information you need to...