New Year resolution – back to basic

Vista Ultimate is driving me insane. I had it installed for more than 12 months and experience frequent issues with hibernation, network card stop working when on battery or wireless just stopping. Coincidently pretty much the same issues which made me move from Linux to Windows. As a last solution I decided to apply the Vista SP1 in the hope to get the be-all fix for the issues.

Needless to say, the fix did not improve much. However, credit where credit is due – it took Microsoft 12 months to release a release candidate of a service pack which finally sped up my file-copy issues.

Enough is enough. After I had a close look at why I installed Vista (I switched the sidebar gadgets off the second day, the translucency is pretty and the desktop search I can get with other software) – which pretty much left me with nothing worthwhile to keep Vista around. Beside the point is the fact that Vista Ultimate was supposed to give us those “ultimate” extras. Dreamscene arrived 8 months late and nothing else “ultimate” to report on – I fell sorry for people spending so much many on vaporware.

Vista was certainly cool (all the first 30 minutes of it), but is not safe – Microsoft managed to release as many security fixes for Vista as for any other OS. Not to mention that no single antivirus software supported Vista in the beginning which caused me to run without it for the first 4 months.

Well, I did not revert back to Linux but decided to go back to Windows XP Professional with all the latest fixes. My laptop flies now, boots up twice as fast as Vista and does not feel as sluggish (I did mention that I am running a 2GB, dual-core laptop).