Category: News


How to start trading cryptocurrency and altcoins on Binance

🚀 Update 2020-01-01: I have started trading using Gunbot (a crypto bot) – you will find more information here: Coinbase is not available to South Africans and Germans (and is only supported for these countries): Coinbase changed their TOS in 2017...


Ledger S crypto-currency hardware wallet

The recent surge in trades on crypto-currency such as IOTA has started to attract many main-stream “crypto-investors” using platforms such as Luno Money, Coinbase, Binance (my favorite) or My recent  bad experience with Luno Money showed what can happen...


What should have happened in the Master Deeds leak

It is great to see that the DPCI (Department of Priority Crimes Investigation) and the South African CCU (Commercial Crimes Unit) have started investigating the leak of over 60m South African identities as reported by Troy Hunt and published by a...